Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Week Another Play

So now we begin to approach show week once again. Little Women opens up this coming Monday. So for the 14th time in my life i have a crazy, busy, fast pace, thrilling, fun, and exhilarating week! I LOVE SHOW WEEK! Even though it is hectic and tiring i'm sad when it ends because then i feel like i have nothing to do until i'm in another show even if i'm still a busy person. This show has been awesome actually. I didn't think i'd be very attached to it since i'm not in it very much, but for the first time i've actually liked every single person in the show! I mean there are some that i like slightly less then others but i can't think of a single person that i sincerely don't like. That being said, i've truly enjoyed myself! I'm starting to get the separation anxiety and it hasn't even started yet! But i have been truly happy to be a part of this production and anyone out there who was also apart of this show i just want to thank you. Thanks for helping to make my experience of this show so fantastic and exposing me to an incredible show that i never knew existed! So here's my plug.... COME SEE THE SHOW!

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