Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happiness is Singing in the Choir

Wow! I lllllllooooovvvvveeeeee jazz! I mean I've always listened to it and have really enjoyed it but I only recently just started to truly appreciate how complex and wonderful it is. Sadly this semester is over and my one class, my jazz choir class, is over :( But it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. With only about 10 people we were able to make sounds that a 60 person choir can produce. The fabulous part of it though, was that everyone's personalities could show. Jazz is a genre that is so different and yet universal. You automatically know when you hear it but there are so many different dialects and types that it's constantly changing. I have been truly blessed to have been involved with "A Splash of Red", which was the name of this jazz group, and I can't wait to be able to get back together next semester.

Music has always been such a big part of my life. It's something that I've always been able to use to express myself and has helped me feel better in hard times, become happier when I'm not, show how happy i am, and express the real feelings i am having at the moment.Music is something that connects hearts and heals souls. It creates emotions that people didn't even know they could feel. And it always helps me show others exactly what's in my heart. I don't think i'll ever be able to get away from it and honestly, I don't ever want to.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The One about the Christmas Cards

Can I just say that I am SOOO ready for Christmas??

I absolutely LOVE it! It is my favorite holiday and most

favorite time of the year!!

I wait all year for it!

So I really want to send out cute Christmas cards this year.

Last year I uploaded photos to Walmart and they

just came out all fuzzy and NOT cute and by the time I

picked them up there was NO time for new ones so they

went out just like that.

My goal this year is to not only take a GREAT picture of my family (with my awesome

new camera) but to get them sent out before Christmas!!

So Shutterfly is doing this really cool deal where you can get

50 free christmas cards...

I don't know which one I'm going to use but I am definitely

taking advantage of this offer!!

These are the ones I really like....

They are all really cute! I am so looking forward to the holidays and my family coming!!


Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly

Monday, November 15, 2010


Who would've thought that a simple two minute trip from work to the gas station down the street would end in a smashed door, a ticket, and (what i'm sure will be) higher insurance cost? So here's what happened. I was making a very legal left turn out of a gas station in queen creek where, by the way, the roads are only one way everywhere you go. I had looked left and right several times but didn't see a single soul coming and the light was green so i thought "wow a perfect opportunity to turn" but there were cars blocking the way in the lane i needed to turn in (since there is only one of them) so i had to wait a second to move. Once the cars had moved i looked both ways once more and since no one was coming i began to leave the driveway of the station. Just as i was about to turn a white p.t. cruiser came from nowhere and collided with the driver side of my car. Luckily i was only doing about 5 miles an hour and since he had just freshly made a right turn he couldn't have been going more then 10 or so. It scared me though because had we been going faster i probably would've been seriously injured since he hit me squarely on the driver door right where my body was sitting. The guy in the other car looked at me like i was absolutely crazy, but i didn't see him at all until he was just about to hit me because he didn't even try to stop and i couldn't keep going without getting hit. Also luckily, no one was hurt, and he was pretty nice about the whole situation. Unfortunately since i was the one making the left turn it was automatically my fault. Somehow i find this unfair since i looked several times and no one was coming and i know he must have been making a right hand turn because no one was coming straight even though the light was green. I mean he had to have not been paying very good attention to turn that sharp of a corner and not be able to stop in time to not hit me. Well what do you know? I got a ticket for "failure to yield to oncoming traffic" LAME!!!!!! It makes me upset because it really was his fault but because i was making the left it's automatically mine. Where is the justice in that? It also sucks because i feel like i'm a pretty cautious driver some may think otherwise, but you have to admit i don't speed or swerve through traffic or run red lights or do stupid things like that. I'm human so i make mistakes and i'm very jumpy but i think over all i'm not a bad driver so why the heck did it have to be me who already has the ghetto-mobile and now it's even worse! So now on top of a broken window that doesn't stay up i have a driver door that closes but still leaves space at the top and bottom so it doesn't seal properly and is smashed. Ialso have a broken visor and apparently a bad hose that one car repair man says exists and another says it doesn't. plus the paint is peeling off the hood and i can't even wash it because there are holes everywhere!!! Don't get me wrong i'm very grateful for my car and she's lasted me for a few years and hasn't had any major problems and lets face it at least i have a car when there are plenty of people who don't, but i'm tired of things breaking on me. I really am ok i promise i'm just venting because the entire situation is stupid!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Week Another Play

So now we begin to approach show week once again. Little Women opens up this coming Monday. So for the 14th time in my life i have a crazy, busy, fast pace, thrilling, fun, and exhilarating week! I LOVE SHOW WEEK! Even though it is hectic and tiring i'm sad when it ends because then i feel like i have nothing to do until i'm in another show even if i'm still a busy person. This show has been awesome actually. I didn't think i'd be very attached to it since i'm not in it very much, but for the first time i've actually liked every single person in the show! I mean there are some that i like slightly less then others but i can't think of a single person that i sincerely don't like. That being said, i've truly enjoyed myself! I'm starting to get the separation anxiety and it hasn't even started yet! But i have been truly happy to be a part of this production and anyone out there who was also apart of this show i just want to thank you. Thanks for helping to make my experience of this show so fantastic and exposing me to an incredible show that i never knew existed! So here's my plug.... COME SEE THE SHOW!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Yes that is right. I, Kinsey Peotter, have entered the world of 19 yr olds. How does it feel?......much the same as 18 did. :) it doesn't feel like it's been a whole year though. I t feels like just yesterday i was starting my senior year of high school, not being able to wait for my 18th birthday, and now suddenly POOF!!! I'm already 19. I'm not going to lie though, when i was younger i had a very different idea of where i'd be by now. I always thought i'd be in law school, have a boyfriend, planning a wedding, and singing for some fantastic company, but none of that is true. And you know what? I'm okay! I don't even want to go to law school anymore! And i may not have a boyfriend but that's okay too. I know eventually it'll happen and i'll be planning a wedding sometime in my life and i'm really ok with waiting for the right guy to happen. And no i'm not singing for anyone but myself, but i still love it and i still hope to become a part of jazz group someday. So i guess for now i'm just simply okay. Nothing truly fantastic happening, yet i'm blessed with the things i do have and am grateful for my family and friends who have contributed so much to my well being. So one more year gone by and hopefully many more to come! Keep reading, and keep hoping because hope makes everything easier to bear. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So from my last post i challenged myself and the few readers i have to spend a day being totally positive. How'd it go everyone? Well i'll tell you a few things that happened to me. I spent a few days trying to positive but not every single one stayed that way all day. The first day i got to the office and everything was shut down. We were having major computer and phone issues, and missed several patients phone calls because of it, needless to say most parents were slightly angry. But, keeping with the theme i tried to be even more pleasing then usual over the phone and you know what? IT WORKED! A few parents called annoyed and ended the call being ok about the whole fiasco. I mean i'm normally very pleasant over the phone trying to calm down a parent but it doesn't happen often and that day it did. Luckily i was able to keep myself a little more happy then i would've been and hopefully kept some patients happy as well.

Next day i tried i had to work at Neilsens. Usually i get very tired and irritable toward the end of the night from working, but i remained positive and it didn't seem so bad. We got done pretty quickly and i went home feeling tired but not totally worn out, like usual. I even had a customer tell me i was one of the happiest and most accomidating fast food workers he's ever seen. Now that may not be true, but it was nice to hear.

I'm sure many other things happened that i didn't even notice but over all i'd say the challenge had been met! If any of the people i came in contact during those times felt any better, i really don't know, but i know that i felt good and that usually makes people around you feel pretty wonderful too. So tell me all about your experiences and don't let the challenge stop here. Keep being positive, look for ways to make someones day, wear a smile, and always serve others.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Keep it Positive

The art of being positive is not an easy thing to learn. It requires patience, perseverances, and a general want to be happy. I try to live life in a positive manner, granted I don't always succed as my family, and friends can tell you, but I'm in general a very happy person. What I love about always trying to be happy, is that you can usually see how it affects the other people around you. I love the times when I see someone at work or even just in passing and all you do is give them a smile and you can see their faces brighten up a bit. Sometimes that's all it takes to turn someones day totally around. Sometimes it takes just a shoulder to cry on. Others it takes some good advice. But on an occassion it all takes an open heart, and that age old positive attitude. Sometimes helping another is all it takes to make me feel better too. I think happiness should be a wide spread phenomenon. So let's start it everyone! Try just for one day to pay very close attention to everyone around you. Be happy, and smile, and look for as many opportunities as poosible to brighten someones day no matter what avenue you take to do. It really does improve your day and hey if everyone just tried it once that would be a lot of days where many people could just feel better.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Well it's started. I've finally been convinced enough to start a blog. The only problem, what to write?, who will read it?, blah blah blah. I finally just decided to do it for myself. "My first post?" you may ask?, simply this.
Lately I've been thinking. Mostly about trivial things, but more recently about one thing in particular. Ants. Have you ever really stopped and considered an ant? I mean I know it sounds pretty corny, but honestly think about it. These incredible, strong, tiny, creatures carry more then 10 times their body weight! 10 TIMES! How much do they weigh? About .01 pounds on average. that's like the size of a skittle, and yet they can carry 100, or 1000 skittles! And not only are they strong they work together. There are hundreds upon hundreds of these little insects building and tunneling and supporting each other. Each one works to gather food for their colony and help each other. I just marvel over these creatures who so faithfully work all day, and all night.
Now why have i been thinking about ants? Because If I could have half that strength do you know what I could do? Well and not just even me, but the world. Honestly, how cool would it be to see the entire nation do something together? Something like feed the world, or clean it, or even just stop fighting with each other. Again at the risk of sounding like a terrible infomercial for "Save the World!" or something like that, but I really have been thinking about that.
I've been the most terrible campaign for tree huggers right now. I thought I knew what i wanted to do with my life, get married, get a job, be an interpreter, have a family, etc. But, can i do more? Am I meant for a bigger destiny, or to help more people, or maybe even none of that? I may not know, but what I do know is that, like an ant, I will not give up. An ant won't give up when their hard work is washed away, and neither can I.
So what am I destined for? Well let's find out! I know 2 things for sure. 1 that the Lord is always on my side, and 2 as long as I keep moving forward I can not go backward, and can not fail.